Coming Soon...
To a Blog Near You.
I have made a goal for October. I am joining many people of the blogging community in a 31-Day Blogging Challenge. This is a goal I set for myself after attending the Declare Conference in Dallas this summer.
I will be posting every day in October as I reflect on how Psalm 139 keeps appearing in my life. Some of it may be repetitive as I write every day, but I find myself needing that repetition day in and day out. God is using these 24 verses to speak to me and move me closer to who He designed me to be.
My intent is not to overwhelm your inbox with a daily post. I know that is significantly more than I usually publish so I just wanted to give you advance notice of what is to come in the next few weeks.
Since I returned from Declare, I have been working on my ideas, my outline, my posts, and some graphics to go with it. October is typically a very busy month for me so I am striving to work ahead as much as possible.
I don't know, at this time, if I will get all 31 Days or not, but I'm going to try. If I succeed, that is great. If I fall short a few days, that will be okay too. God keeps showing me different facets of Psalm 139 and how it fits into my life. My hope and prayer - no matter how many days I publish - is that something I write will also speak to you.
Stay tuned. October is just around the corner!