I have the second part of this down. I know my God. I know who He is. I know His power. I know He can and does perform miracles. I know He is my comforter, my peace, my protection. I don't have much trouble with this part.
Be still. That is the part I have trouble with. Be still. I am never still. From the moment I get up to the last minute before I crash back into bed, I am busy. I am not saying I am anymore busy than anyone else. I just know that I am busy.
Be still. As I am rushing from one thing to the next, I hear it. Be still.
As I am trying to make lunches and shove a load of laundry in before I head to work, I hear it again.
I eat lunch at my desk almost every day while I try to make lesson plans, score assessments, answer emails, and whatever other sixteen things need to be done, it is there again. Be still.
After school is a whirlwind of getting everything ready for the next day, checking homework, signing reading logs, and now walking a mile or more.
At home the pace continues...kids' activities, make dinner, more laundry, dishes, baths and bedtime routines for kids, finish a crochet project or two. (Even my "relaxing" time is spent with my hands busily in motion.)
Be still.
Each morning I set aside each day to spend with God. It too is filled with activity. I read my daily passages; I journal; I blog; I work through different studies. I tell God my prayer requests and my praises. But seldom, if ever, do I just sit and listen to what He might want to tell me.
These are all good things that I am doing, but God keeps whispering to me, "Be still and know that I am God. Be still and know that I am with you."
I hear it. I just haven't figured out how to do it yet. So for now, I am thinking about Being Still.
That's all I have time for.
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